Forest, Wildlife & Environment Department Government of Gilgit-Baltistan


Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation is an international funded project adopted at Cop 16 in Cancun 2010 (1/CP.16). “REDD + Preparedness phase for Gilgit Baltistan” was approved with an estimated cost of 30 million in phase 1 while
85 million has been approved in the current second ongoing phase.

The project aims to incentivize developing countries to contribute to climate change mitigation actions in forestry sector by Reducing carbon Emissions from Deforestation, Reducing carbon emissions from Forest Degradation, Conservation of forest carbon stocks, Sustainable management of forests and Enhancement of forest carbon stocks.


  • Forest Inventories have been conducted in Natural Forests of GB to assess existing Carbon Stocks and Carbon Emissions trends. Conducted Field data collection (537 sample plots) for Forest/Biomass inventory all over Gilgit-Baltistan. (Forest Inventory Report has been Published).
  • Reviewed and Revised existing Forest policies, Rules and Regulations regarding Gilgit-Baltistan to accommodate REDD+ concept
  • Forest Act prepared & published
  • Wildlife Act prepared & published
  • Forest Manuals (vol. I, II, III) are published
  • Rules for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  • Working Plan Code for the private forest of Diamer has been prepared
  • Conducted Forest Inventory and GIS based Land use Classification of Gilgit- Baltistan
  • Developed Allometric equations, Biomass/Volume table, Calculated Basic wood densities/ expansion factors for 5 conifer and 1 broadleaved tree species, Developed Management Plans of Astore & Skardu district.