HIstorical bid of 3.66 Million for Astore Markhore under Trophy Hunting Progamme

HIstorical bid of 3.66 Million for Astore Markhore under Trophy Hunting Progamme

The highest ever offered bid in respect of Astore Markhor in the history of Trophy Hunting this year. Gilgit Baltistan Parks and Wildlife Department introduced trophy hunting program with the involvement of the community of Bar Valley in 1990.
Trophy hunting of Markhor, Blue Sheep and Ibex is permissible in the Gilgit Baltistan (Pakistan), subject to such rules and regulations as are provided in the Gilgit Baltistan Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation, and Management) Act, 1975. The hunting of Markhor , Blue sheep and Ibex is otherwise prohibited under the general ban imposed by the Govt. of Pakistan and their hunting in Gilgit Baltistan is allowed, as a special case, only in the Community Managed Conservation Areas.The Trophy Hunting Initiative is a source of revenue for both the locals of the Community Controlled Hunting Areas  (CMHA’s)/Community Managed Conservation Areas (CMA’s) and the supervising government department. Presently, 47 CMHA’s/CMA’s have been notified in Gilgit-Baltistan.